KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒Kapa Biosystems官网

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KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq流程中,在文库制备前使用KAPA mRNA捕获磁珠,可富集成熟mRNA, 去除不含poly(A)尾的RNA(包括核糖体RNA、前体RNA和非编码RNA)。


  • 集中测序编码蛋白的转录本
  • 比KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq试剂盒性能更佳
  • 提升富含GC和低丰度转录本区域的覆盖度
  • 可检测更多数量的转录本和基因
  • 通过验证的自动化方案
  • 使用KAPA 接头(Adapters)和KAPA 纯化磁珠(Pure Beads)构建完整文库制备解决方案

KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


  • 降低测序结果的重复率(duplication rate), 从而提高测序通量
  • 检出更多特异的转录本和特异的基因
  • 在多个转录本之间,保持覆盖度均一性
KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


使用KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq制备的文库,与 I 系列产品制备同类型文库相比有着更低的重复率,保持了链特异性的同时,更多特异的转录本和特异的基因被检出。

KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


500 ng高质量RNA使用KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit和 I 系列产品进行文库制备,KAPA文库制备试剂盒在5’和3 端’位置测序的均一性更好。


  • 提升了富含GC区域转录本的覆盖度
  • 检测到更多外显子区域
KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


DVL3转录本的5’和3’端位置外显子区域(红色)为高GC含量区域。使用KAPA StrandedmRNA-Seq试剂盒(绿色)测序结果与 I 系列产品(橙色)结果相比,绿色区域有着更高的测序覆盖度。


  • 可检测到其他试剂盒高起始量也无法覆盖的区域
  • 不同起始量的样本,均可保持测序的高度均一性
KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒


使用KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq试剂盒(绿色)与 I 系列产品(橙色)进行文库制备,KAPA在GLTPD1基因上的覆盖度更高,即使测序深度相同, I 系列产品覆盖度仍有缺失(红色区域)。

MC-CN-00381 有效期至2021-12-31



  • KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒 KAPA Stranded RNA-seq文库构建试剂盒+mRNA富集试剂盒
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  • KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒 KAPA RNA Hyper 文库构建试剂盒
  • KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒 KAPA 文库扩增试剂盒
  • KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒 KAPA HyperPrep 文库构建试剂盒
  • KAPA Stranded RNAseq 文库构建试剂盒 + mRNA 富集试剂盒 KAPA文库定量试剂盒


  • 全转录组
    Whole transcriptome
  • Transcript Discovery and Annotation
  • Gene Expression
  • Total RNA-Seq




规格明细 / 储存条件

Shipping and storage

The enzymes provided in this kit are temperature sensitive, and appropriate care should be taken during shipping and storage. KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kits are shipped on dry ice or ice packs, depending on the destination country. Upon receipt, immediately store enzymes and reaction buffers at -20˚C in a constanttemperature freezer. The PEG/NaCl SPRI® Solution should be protected from light, and stored at -20˚C. For shortterm use, the PEG/NaCl SPRI® Solution may be stored protected from light at 4˚C for up to 2 months. When stored under these conditions and handled correctly, the kit components will retain full activity until the expiry date indicated on the kit label.


Always ensure that components have been fully thawed and thoroughly mixed before use. Keep all reaction components and master mixes on ice whenever possible during handling. KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix (2X) may not freeze completely, even when stored at -20 °C. Nevertheless, always ensure that the KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix is fully thawed and thoroughly mixed before use. PEG/NaCl SPRI® Solution does not freeze at -20 °C, but should be equilibrated to room temperature and mixed thoroughly before use.

Quality control

All kit components are subjected to stringent functional quality control, are free of detectable contaminating exoand endonuclease activities, and meet strict requirements with respect to DNA contamination. Please contact support@kapabiosystems.com for more information.


KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq 文库构建试剂盒 (24个反应)

  • KK货号:KK8400
  • 产品货号:07962142001
  • 规格:24反应

KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq 文库构建试剂盒 (96个反应)

  • KK货号:KK8401
  • 产品货号:07962169001
  • 规格:96反应