日本同仁化学线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01- DOJINDO

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线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01
Mitophagy Detection Kit



● 只需添加小分子量荧光试剂即可轻松检测线粒体

● 可以使用荧光显微镜进行活细胞成像

● 可以与附着的溶酶体染色剂同时染色





线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01

线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01




线粒体自噬大揭秘丨从实验思路到检测指标  PDF下


关联指标干货参考(点击查看) 检测指标(点击查看)
线粒体自噬详述 Mitophagy Detection Kit(本产品)
多细胞器共染&线粒体动力学 MitoBright IM Red for Immunostaining
MitoBright LT Green/Red/Deep Red
线粒体功能 JC-1 、MT-1
Oxygen Consumption Rate(OCR)
ROS Assay Kit -Highly Sensitive DCFH-DA-
ROS Assay Kit -Photo-oxidation Resistant DCFH-DA-
Ca2+从内质网到线粒体 Fura 2-AM
Fluo 4-AM
Rhod 2-AM
线粒体自噬-溶酶体功能 Lysosomal Acidic pH Detection Kit
Lysosomal Acidic pH Detection Kit-Green/Deep Red
线粒体自噬-脂质定位&定量 Lipi-Blue/Green/Red/Deep Red
Lipid Droplet Assay Kit-Blue/Deep Red
细胞死亡 Cell Counting Kit-8
Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit-WST
Annexin V, FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit



线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01


线粒体 (Mitochondria) 是细胞中重要的细胞器之一,可以为细胞活力提供能量 。近年有报道去极化线粒体的积累引起的阿尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer’s Disease) 与帕金森病(Parkinson’s Disease),可能与线粒体自噬有关。线粒体自噬是一种清除机制,可以通过自噬,将氧化应激、DNA损伤因素导致功能失调的线粒体隔离包裹成自噬体(Autophagosome),再与溶酶体 (Lysosome) 融合后降解。本试剂盒内含Mtphagy Dye (用于检测线粒体自噬) 和Lyso Dye (溶酶体染料)。Mtphagy Dye通过化学结合,固定在细胞内的线粒体上,会发出较弱的荧光。当线粒体发生自噬,损伤的线粒体会与溶酶体融合,pH会下降,变成酸性,此时Mtphagy Dye会产生较强的荧光。如想直观观察Mtphagy Dye标记的线粒体和溶酶体的结合,可联合应用试剂盒中的Lyso Dye (标记溶酶体) 进行双染。






记载了本产品的检测原理和实验例的论文请看MD01论文实验例中第四篇:Live Cell Imaging of Mitochondrial Autophagy with a Novel Fluorescent Small Molecule

线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01


1.用羰基氰化物间氯苯腙 (CCCP,一种线粒体解偶联剂) 诱导Parkin表达的HeLa细胞线粒体自噬,并通过荧光显微镜进行检测。另外,通过与线粒体染色试剂(MitoBright Deep Red:MT08)一同染色,能够区分出已发生自噬的的线粒体(白色)和未发生自噬的线粒体(紫色)(照片:右侧)。

线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01


Mtphagy Dye:561 nm (Ex)、650 LP nm (Em)

Lyso Dye:488 nm (Ex)、502-554 nm (Em)

MitoBright Deep Red:640 nm (Ex)、656-700 nm (Em)


HeLa细胞用CCCP处理,并与线粒体检测试剂(Mtphagy Dye)和线粒体染色试剂(MitoBright LT Green)共同染色,并经过一段时间(6小时)后进行检测。



设备:LSM-700 Laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM)

(Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany)


MitoBright LT Green 488 nm

Mtphagy Dye      555 nm





用羰基氰化物间氯苯腙(CCCP,一种线粒体解偶联剂)诱导Parkin表达的HeLa细胞线粒体自噬,并使用线粒体自噬检测试剂盒(Mitophagy Detection Kit:MD01)和线粒体膜电位检测试剂盒(JC-1 MitoMP Detection Kit:MT09)观察荧光结果。

结果证实在未经CCCP处理的细胞中几乎未检测到线粒体自噬的发生,并且线粒体膜电位正常维持。 另一方面,在添加了CCCP的细胞中,证实了线粒体膜电位的降低(JC-1的红色荧光降低)和线粒体自噬的发生(Mtphagy染料的荧光增强)。



使用HilyMax(货号:H357)将Parkin质粒引入HeLa细胞中(Parkin质粒/HilyMax试剂:0.1 μg/0.2 μl)



向表达Parkin的HeLa细胞中添加0.1 μmol/l Mtphagy工作溶液,并在37°C下孵育30分钟。然后将细胞用HBSS洗涤,加入10 μg/ml CCCP/MEM溶液,并在37℃下孵育2小时。在荧光显微镜下观察细胞。


将10 μg/ml的CCCP/MEM溶液添加至表达Parkin的HeLa细胞中,并在37℃下孵育1.5小时。加入4 μmol/l的JC-1工作液使其终浓度达到2 μmol/l,并在37℃下孵育30分钟。孵育后,将细胞用HBSS洗涤,加入成像缓冲液,并在荧光显微镜下观察细胞。

线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01



Ex:561 nm,Em:570-700 nm


绿色Ex:488 nm,Em:500-550 nm

红色Ex:561 nm,Em:560-610 nm


线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01


序号 检测对象 使用仪器 文献
1) 细胞(HeLa) 流式细胞仪 J. Koniga,   C. Otta, M. Hugoa, T. Junga, A. L. Bulteaub, T. Grunea and A. Hohna, “Mitochondrial contribution to lipofuscin   formation”, Redox Biology, 2017, 11, 673.
2) 细胞(KB) 荧光显微镜 K. Kameyama, “Induction of mitophagy-mediated antitumor activity with   folate-appended methyl-β-cyclodextrin”, International Journal of   Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 3433.
3) 细胞(SH-SY5Y, 初代皮质神经细胞) 荧光显微镜 E. F. Fang, T. B. Waltz, H.   Kassahun, Q. Lu, J. S. Kerr, M. Morevati, E. M. Fivenson, B. N. Wollman, K.   Marosi, M. A. Wilson, W. B. Iser, D. M. Eckley, Y. Zhang, E. Lehrmann, I. G.   Goldberg, M. S. Knudsen, M. P. Mattson, H. Nilsen, V. A. Bohr and K. G. Becker, “Tomatidine enhances lifespan and healthspan in C. elegans   through mitophagy induction via the SKN-1/Nrf2 pathway”, Scientific   Reports, 2017, 7, (46208), DOI: 10.1038/srep46208.
4) 细胞(HeLa、Parkin表达HeLa) 荧光显微镜 H. Iwashita, S. Torii, N.   Nagahora, M. Ishiyama, K. Shioji, K. Sasamoto, S. Shimizu and K. Okuma, “Live Cell Imaging of Mitochondrial Autophagy with a Novel   Fluorescent Small Molecule”, ACS Chem. Biol., 2017, 12,   (10), 2546.
5) 细胞(Cardiomyocytes) 流式细胞仪 Y. Feng, NB.   Madungwe, CV. da Cruz Junho and JC. Bopassa, “Activation of G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor 1 at   the onset of reperfusion protects the myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion   injury by reducing mitochondrial dysfunction and mitophagy.”, Br.   J. Pharmacol., 2017, 174, (23), 4329.
6) 细胞(HCT116) 荧光显微镜 K. M.   Elamin, K. Motoyama, T. Higashi, Y. Yamashita, A. Tokuda and H. Arima, “Dual targeting system by supramolecular complex of   folate-conjugated methyl-β-cyclodextrin with adamantane-grafted hyaluronic   acid for the treatment of colorectal cancer.”, Int. J. Biol.   Macromol., 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.02.149.
7) 细胞(Parkin-HeLa) 流式细胞仪 N. Furuya, S. Kakuta, K. Sumiyoshi, M. Ando, R. Nonaka, A. Suzuki, S. Kazuno, S. Saiki   and N. Hattori, “NDP52 interacts with   mitochondrial RNA poly(A) polymerase to promote mitophagy.”, EMBO   Rep. ., 2018, doi: 10.15252/embr.201846363.
8) 细胞(NKT) 流式细胞仪 L. Zhu, X. Xie, L.   Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Jie, X. Zhou, J. Shi, S. Zhao, B. Zhang, X. Cheng and   S. Sun, “TBK-binding protein 1 regulates   IL-15-induced autophagy and NKT cell survival”, Nature   Communications., 2018, 9, (1), doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05097-5.
9) 细胞(HeLa) 流式细胞仪 K. Araki,   K. Kawauchi, W. Sugimoto, D. Tsuda, H. Oda, R. Yoshida and K. Ohtani, “Mitochondrial protein E2F3d, a distinctive E2F3 product,   mediates hypoxia-induced mitophagy in cancer cells”, Commun   Biol., 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s42003-018-0246-9.
10) 细胞(Bovine Sertoli) 荧光显微镜 E. Adegoke, S.   Adeniran, Y. Zeng, X. Wang, H. Wang, C. Wang, H.   Zhang, P. Zheng and G. Zhang , “Pharmacological   inhibition of TLR4/NF-κB with TLR4-IN-C34 attenuated microcystin-leucine   arginine toxicity in bovine Sertoli cells.”, J Appl   Toxicol., 2019,doi: 10.1002/jat.3771.
11) 组织(小鼠) 荧光显微镜  E. F. Fang, Y.   Hou, K. Palikaras, B. A. Adriaanse, J. S. Kerr, B.   Yang, S. Lautrup, M. M. Hasan-Olive, D. Caponio, X.   Dan, P. Rocktaschel, D. L. Croteau, M. Akbari, N. H.   Greig, T. Fladby, H. Nilsen, M. Z. Cader, M. P.   Mattson, N. Tavernarakis and V. A. Bohr, “Mitophagy   inhibits amyloid-β and tau pathology and reverses cognitive deficits in   models of Alzheimer’s   disease.”, Nat. Neurosci. ., 2019,DOI:10.1038/s41593-018-0332-9.
12) 细胞(HepG2) 荧光显微镜 Iwasawa, T.   Shinomiya, N. Ota, N. Shibata, K. Nakata, I. Shiina,   and Y. Nagahara , “Novel Ridaifen-B   Structure Analog Induces Apoptosis and Autophagy Depending on Pyrrolidine   Side Chain”, Biological and Pharmaceutical   Bulletin., 2019, 42, (3), 401-410, doi: 10.1248/bpb.b18-00643.
13) 细胞(U2OS) 荧光显微镜 T. Namba, “BAP31 regulates mitochondrial function via interaction   with Tom40 within ER-mitochondria contact sites “, Sci   Adv., 2019, 5, (6), 1386.
14) 细胞(INS-1) 荧光显微镜 A.   Inamura, S. M. Hirayama, and K. Sakurai, Loss of   Mitochondrial DNA by Gemcitabine Triggers Mitophagy and Cell   Death’, Biol. Pharm. Bull.., 2019, 42, 1977.
15) 细胞(HRCEpiC, HRPTEpic) 流式细胞仪 Y. Zhao and   M. Sun, Metformin rescues Parkin protein expression   and mitophagy in high glucose-challenged human renal epithelial cells by   inhibiting NF-κB via PP2A activation., Life   Sci.., 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117382.
16) 细胞(RAES) 荧光显微镜 N. Liu, J. Wu, L. Zhang, Z. Gao,   Y. Sun, M. Yu, Y. Zhao, S. Dong, F. Lu and W. Zhang , “Hydrogen Sulphide modulating mitochondrial morphology to   promote mitophagy in endothelial cells under high‐glucose and high‐palmitate   “, J. Cell. Mol. Med., 2017, 21, (12), 3190.
17) 细胞(BAECs) 荧光显微镜 N. Kajihara, D. Kukidome, K.   Sada, H. Motoshima, N. Furukawa, T. Matsumura, T. Nishikawa and E.   Araki, “Low glucose induces mitochondrial   reactive oxygen species via fatty acid oxidation in bovine aortic endothelial   cells”, J Diabetes Investig, 2017, 8, (6), 750.
18) 细胞(HT22) 荧光显微镜 M. Jin, H. Ni and  L.   Li, “Leptin Maintained Zinc Homeostasis Against   Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity by Preventing Mitophagy-Mediated   Mitochondrial Activation in HT22 Hippocampal Neuronal   Cells.”, Front Neurol, 2018, 9, (9), 332.
19) 细胞(BMDMs) 流式细胞仪 D. Bhatia, K. P. Chung, K.   Nakahira, E. Patino, M. C. Rice, L. K. Torres, T. Muthukumar, A. M. Choi, O.   M. Akchurin and M. E. Choi , “Mitophagy-dependent   macrophage reprogramming protects against kidney fibrosis”, JCI   Insight, 2019, 4, (23), e132826.
20) 细胞(U2OS) 荧光显微镜 J. Zheng, D. L. Croteau, V. A.    Bohr and M. Akbari, “Diminished OPA1   expression and impaired mitochondrial morphology and homeostasis in   Aprataxin-deficient cells. “, Nucleic Acids   Res., 2019, 47, (8), 4086.
21) 细胞(HT22) 荧光显微镜 D. D. Wang, M. F. Jin, D. J. Zhao   and H. Ni, “Reduction of Mitophagy-Related   Oxidative Stress and Preservation of Mitochondria Function Using Melatonin   Therapy in an HT22 Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Model of Glutamate-Induced   Excitotoxicity”, Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2019, 10,   550.
22) 细胞(CD4+T-cells, HeLa) 荧光显微镜 A. Bektas, S. H. Schurman, M. G.   Freire, A. Bektas, S. H. Schurman, M. G. Freire, C. A. Dunn, A. K. Singh, F.   Macian, A. M. Cuervo, R. Sen and L. Ferrucci, “Age-associated   changes in human CD4+ T cells point to mitochondrial dysfunction consequent   to impaired autophagy.”, Aging (Albany NY)., 2019, 11,   (21), 9234-9263.
23) 细胞(ALM) 流式细胞仪 T. Nechiporuk, S.E. Kurtz, O.   Nikolova, T. Liu, C.L. Jones, A. D. Alessandro, R. C. Hill, A. Almeida, S. K.   Joshi, M. Rosenberg, C. E. Tognon, A. V. Danilov, B. J. Druker, B. H. Chang,   S. K McWeeney and J. W. Tyner, “The TP53   Apoptotic Network Is a Primary Mediator of Resistance to BCL2 Inhibition in   AML Cells.”, Cancer Discov., 2019, 9, (7), 919.
24) 细胞(PK-15) 荧光显微镜 Y. Zhang, R. Sun, X. Li  and   W. Fang, “Porcine Circovirus 2 Induction of ROS Is Responsible for Mitophagy in PK-15 Cells via Activation of Drp1 Phosphorylation”, Viruses., 2020, 12, (3), 289.
25) 细胞(HCE) 荧光显微镜 Y. Huo, W. Chen, X. Zheng, J.   Zhao, Q. Zhang, Y. Hou, Y. Cai, X. Lu and X. Jin , “The protective effect of EGF-activated ROS in human   corneal epithelial cells by inducing mitochondrial autophagy via activation   TRPM2.”, J. Cell. Physiol., 2020, DOI: 10.1002/jcp.29597.
26) 细胞(心肌细胞) 荧光显微镜 Y. Sun, F. Lu, X. Yu, B. Wang, J.   Chen, F. Lu, S. Peng, X. Sun, M. Yu, H. Chen, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, N. Liu, H.   Du, D. Zhao and W. Zhang, “Exogenous H2S   Promoted USP8 Sulfhydration to Regulate Mitophagy in the Hearts of db/db   Mice.”, Aging Dis., 2020, 11, (2), 269.
27) 细胞(HCFs) 荧光显微镜 R. Tanaka, M. Umemura, M.   Narikawa, M. Hikichi, K. Osaw, T. Fujita, U. Yokoyama, T. Ishigami, K. Tamura   and Y. Ishikawa, “Reactive fibrosis precedes   doxorubicin-induced heart failure through sterile   inflammation.”, ESC Heart Fail., 2020, 7, (2), 588.
28) 细胞(VSMCs) 荧光显微镜 C. Duan, L. Kuang, X. Xiang, J.   Zhang, Y. Zhu, Y. Wu, Q. Yan, L. Liu and T. Li, “Drp1   regulates mitochondrial dysfunction and dysregulated metabolism in ischemic   injury via Clec16a-, BAX-, and GSH- pathways “, Cell Death   Dis., 2020, 11, 251.
29) 细胞(Bovine Sertoli) 荧光显微镜 E. O. Adegoke, W. Xue, N. S.   Machebe, S. O. Adeniran, W. Hao, W. Chen, Z. Han, Z. Guixue and Z.   Peng, “Sodium Selenite inhibits mitophagy,   downregulation and mislocalization of blood-testis barrier proteins of bovine   Sertoli cell exposed to microcystin-leucine arginine (MC-LR) via TLR4/NF-kB   and mitochondrial signaling pathways blockage.”, Ecotoxicol.   Environ. Saf., 2018, 116, 165.
30) 细胞(HeLa) 荧光显微镜 D. Takahashi, J. Moriyama, T.   Nakamura, E. Miki, E. Takahashi, A. Sato, T. Akaike, K. I. Nakama and H.   Arimoto, “AUTACs: Cargo-Specific Degraders   Using Selective Autophagy. “, Mol. Cell, 2019, 76,   (5), 797.
31) 细胞(primary hepatocyte) 荧光显微镜 H. Kim, J. H. Lee and J. W.   Park, “IDH2 deficiency exacerbates   acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice via mitochondrial dysfunction-induced   apoptosis.”, Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis   Dis, 2019, 1865, (9), 2333.
32) 细胞(C3H10T1/2s) 荧光显微镜 M. S.    Rahman and Y. S.  Kim, “PINK1-PRKN   mitophagy suppression by Mangiferin promotes a brown-fat-phenotype via   PKA-p38 MAPK signalling in murine   C3H10T1/2”, Metabolism, 2020, 101, 154228.
33) 细胞(NHEKs) 荧光显微镜 S. Ikeoka   and A. Kiso  , “The Involvement of   Mitophagy in the Prevention of UV-B-Induced Damage in Human Epidermal   Keratinocytes “, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem.   Jpn., 2020,  54(3), 252.



Q1: 本试剂盒和现存传统方法相比有何优势?

A1: 与PH敏感并基于Keima荧光蛋白检测方法相比,本试剂为小分子荧光试剂,因此无需表达荧光蛋白。


Q2: 使用DMSO配置后的储存液稳定性如何?
A2:Mtphagy Dye、Lyso Dye均在制备后需保存在-20℃情况下可以稳定保存1个月。建议按照实验用量,


Q3: 工作液稳定性如何
A3: 无法保存,建议现配现用。
Q4: 培养基中有酚红会影响检测吗?



线粒体自噬—Mitophagy Detection Kit货号:MD01

Q5: 荧光显微镜推荐的滤镜是什么?
A5:根据各种试剂推荐以下波长。Mtphagy Dye:激发(500~560 nm)、发射(670~730 nm)

Lyso Dye:激发(350~450 nm)、发射(500~560 nm)

A6:Mtphagy Dye比一般的红色系荧光染料相比波长更长,所以和Deep Red的荧光染料一起染色的时候

需要特别注意。即Mtphagy Dye在500–560 nm处激发,可在670-730 nm处检测到荧光,这时与

MitoBright  Deep Red的荧光检测波长重叠。因此,有必要在不激发深红色染料的波长下激发Mtphagy



① 制备仅添加了MitoBright Deep Red(没有添加Mtphagy Dye)的细胞。

② 通过观察MitoBright Deep Red的激发/发射波长,确认是否观察到荧光(右下图)。

③ 用Mtphagy Dye的激发/发射波长观察,确认是否观察到荧光(左下图)。

和③中,观察到来自MitoBright Deep Red的荧光(左下图)。



如以上确认如图所示,MitoBright Deep Red也在Ex 561 nm处激发,因此可以将Mtphagy Dye的激发

波长更改为接近激光器或滤光片的500 nm,以使MitoBright深红色不被激发。


如果MitoBright Deep Red的荧光泄漏到Mtphagy染料的观察波长中,请将观察过程中的激发强度或


然后,再确认改变后的观察条件下可以检测Mtphagy Dye的荧光。


使用Mtphagy Dye,Lyso dye(溶酶体染色剂),MitoBrightLT Deep Red(线粒体染色剂)



(Mtphagy Dye、Lyso Dye、MitoBright Deep Red分别在在不同的皿或孔中进行染色)

2.向每个孔中添加Mtphagy Dye和MitoBright Deep Red。 (在无血清培养基中)



5.向上述2.中未使用的细胞添加Lyso Dye。(在无血清培养基中)





Lyso Dye:Ex:350-450 nm,Em:500-560 nm

Mtphagy Dye:Ex : 500-560 nm,Em :670-730 nm

MitoBright Deep Red:Ex :640 nm,Em :656-700 nm


mtSOX Deep Red – Mitochondrial Superoxide Detection

线粒体膜电位检测试剂盒—JC-1 MitoMP Detection Kit


MitoBright LT Green试剂

MitoBright LT Deep Red试剂